LUCA School of Arts is een creatieve hub voor bijna 5.000 mensen: meer dan 4.000 studenten en 800 collega’s. Aan hen biedt LUCA een onderwijs- en onderzoeksomgeving om hun creatief talent verder te ontplooien. Dat doen we via opleidingen hoger onderwijs in het brede domein van de kunsten, en via artistiek onderzoek, ingebed binnen een geassocieerde Faculteit Kunsten aan KU Leuven. LUCA heeft campussen in vier steden: Gent, Brussel, Leuven en Genk.

LUCA School of Arts is lid van de Associatie KU Leuven.

We geloven dat kunst en design op tal van manieren impact heeft op de maatschappij en de wereld. Respect en integriteit bepalen onze grondhouding, diversiteit en duurzaamheid beschouwen we als een troef, en kwaliteit is onze drijfveer.

Momenteel maken we werk van de rol van LUCA als actor in de maatschappij, van de ontsluiting van onze multicampusrealiteit tot een netwerk, van de evolutie van de vijf oorspronkelijke opleidingsinstituten tot een gezamenlijk laboratorium, en van het inspelen op opleidings- en onderzoeksvragen uit de buitenwereld.

Bestuur, leidinggevenden & medezeggenschap

De juridische grondregels van de vzw LUCA School of Arts (LUCA) zijn vervat in de gecoördineerde sta...

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Onze campussen

Erasmusdays 2024

Interested in studying or doing an internship abroad next academic year (2025-2026)? Then come to ...


Productdesign Masterclass Sound Office – How to listen, record, produce

🎧 Discover the power of sound in design!


International Days (B)order/disorder

LUCA School of Arts’ department of Visual Design invites you to its International Days ‘(b)order ...


Study information days/ SID-in's 2025

The SID-in is a fair where pupils and parents receive information about the opportunities available ...


BIODESIGN, where art and design meet science

A module on biodesign for designers,artists, architects, scientists, sociologists, technologists ...


Open campus day Campus Ghent / Sint-Lucas February 2025

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, graduate Digital Design, Educational Master ...

Open lesson day Genk / C-mine February 2025

Would you like to know more about our Animation Film, Game Design, Photography, Product Design and T ...

LUCA Percussions & LUCA Marimba & Jeju Percussion Ensemble

LUCA Percussions & LUCA Marimba & Jeju Percussion Ensemble

Ludwig Albert (LUCA School of Arts) & ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Narafi March 2024

Get to know the Bachelor and Master  programmes, the staff and students and vibrant surroundings of ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Sint-Lukas March 2025

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Arts and construction technology ...

Figaro & Co

LUCA Opera  

Mien Bogaert, director

Thomas Blondelle, vocal coach

Catherine Vandevelde ...

Figaro & Co

LUCA Opera  

Mien Bogaert, director

Thomas Blondelle, vocal coach

Catherine Vandevelde ...

Open campus day Campus Leuven / Lemmens May 2025


Is music and theatre your passion? Are you considering a course in Drama ...

Open campus day Ghent / Sint-Lucas May 2024

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Design and Visual Arts courses? Are ...

Open Campus day Genk / C-mine May 2025

Would you like to know more about our Animation Film, Game Design, Photography, Product Design and T ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Narafi April 2025

Get to know the Bachelor and Master  programmes, the staff and students and vibrant surroundings of ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Sint-Lukas May 2025

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Arts and construction technology ...

Info moment Genk / C-mine August 2025

Would you like to know more about our Animation Film, Game Design, Photography, Product Design and T ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Narafi August 2025

Get to know the Bachelor and Master  programmes, the staff and students and vibrant surroundings of ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Sint-Lukas August 2025

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Arts and construction technology ...

Infomoment Campus Ghent / Sint-Lucas August 2024

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Design and Visual Arts courses? Are ...