Strategie & Beleid

LUCA voert beleid aan de hand van kaderdocumenten die de missie en visie verder uitwerken en operationaliseren. Het "matroesjkamodel" om generieke beleidsteksten (zoals de missie en de visie) in steeds gedetailleerder wordende lagen te vertalen naar concrete plannen (zoals beleidsplannen en actieplannen) is een standaardaanpak.

De omzetting van de beleidskaders in concrete acties gebeurt in de beleidscyclus die draait rond de bespreking, monitoring en bijsturing van acties in halfjaarlijkse beleids- en budgetcommissies, aangevuld met bijkomende halfjaarlijkse beleidsdagen en individuele beleidsgesprekken. Deze acties zijn door de opleidingen, onderzoekseenheden en diensten intern afgestemd en bepaald en de verdere implementatie gebeurt binnen de eenheden zelf, aan de hand van lokale overlegstructuren. Voor instellingsbrede materie definieert het directiecomité ten slotte een aantal grote werven.

Missie & Visie

In zijn rol van inrichtende macht bepaalde de algemene vergadering van LUCA de missie en visie van...

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iconen beleidsplan

Policy Plan

This plan sets the direction for LUCA School of Arts’ policy for the period from 2021 to 2027. In...

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Jaarverslagen & jaarrekeningen

Elk jaar publiceert LUCA een jaarverslag over haar werkzaamheden inzake onderwijs, onderzoek en...

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Erasmusdays 2024

Interested in studying or doing an internship abroad next academic year (2025-2026)? Then come to ...


Productdesign Masterclass Sound Office – How to listen, record, produce

🎧 Discover the power of sound in design!


International Days (B)order/disorder

LUCA School of Arts’ department of Visual Design invites you to its International Days ‘(b)order ...


Study information days/ SID-in's 2025

The SID-in is a fair where pupils and parents receive information about the opportunities available ...


BIODESIGN, where art and design meet science

A module on biodesign for designers,artists, architects, scientists, sociologists, technologists ...


Open campus day Campus Ghent / Sint-Lucas February 2025

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, graduate Digital Design, Educational Master ...

Open lesson day Genk / C-mine February 2025

Would you like to know more about our Animation Film, Game Design, Photography, Product Design and T ...

LUCA Percussions & LUCA Marimba & Jeju Percussion Ensemble

LUCA Percussions & LUCA Marimba & Jeju Percussion Ensemble

Ludwig Albert (LUCA School of Arts) & ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Narafi March 2024

Get to know the Bachelor and Master  programmes, the staff and students and vibrant surroundings of ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Sint-Lukas March 2025

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Arts and construction technology ...

Figaro & Co

LUCA Opera  

Mien Bogaert, director

Thomas Blondelle, vocal coach

Catherine Vandevelde ...

Figaro & Co

LUCA Opera  

Mien Bogaert, director

Thomas Blondelle, vocal coach

Catherine Vandevelde ...

Open campus day Campus Leuven / Lemmens May 2025


Is music and theatre your passion? Are you considering a course in Drama ...

Open campus day Ghent / Sint-Lucas May 2024

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Design and Visual Arts courses? Are ...

Open Campus day Genk / C-mine May 2025

Would you like to know more about our Animation Film, Game Design, Photography, Product Design and T ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Narafi April 2025

Get to know the Bachelor and Master  programmes, the staff and students and vibrant surroundings of ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Sint-Lukas May 2025

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Arts and construction technology ...

Info moment Genk / C-mine August 2025

Would you like to know more about our Animation Film, Game Design, Photography, Product Design and T ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Narafi August 2025

Get to know the Bachelor and Master  programmes, the staff and students and vibrant surroundings of ...

Open campus day Campus Brussels / Sint-Lukas August 2025

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Arts and construction technology ...

Infomoment Campus Ghent / Sint-Lucas August 2024

Would you like to know more about our Interior Design, Visual Design and Visual Arts courses? Are ...